Braden River Choral Booster Association
Parent volunteers are the key to a successful choral program. There are many volunteer opportunities, including, but not limited to, classroom assistants, fundraiser volunteers and field trip chaperones.
Over 95% of our funds for music and materials must come from sponsors and fundraisers. WE NEED YOU to be part of our Choral Boosters! The Braden River Choral Boosters Association (BRCBA) is a team of chorus parents and members of the community with a vested interest in the choral activities at Braden River High School. Executive Board will serve in such roles for the period of one school year.
All Chorus Parents are invited and ENCOURAGED to get involved in BRCBA.
The BRCBA helps with the coordination and follow through of all chorus-related events and activities. The idea here is for you, as parents, to feel as though this is your choir, and that you have made a valuable contribution of your time and talents. If you are interested in serving with this group, please contact me as soon as possible! You will find the Choral Boosters’ Registration Form in the link marked Forms. Please complete this form and return it. Remember, you do not have to serve as an officer to be a member of the Choral Boosters. We want ALL chorus parents to participate. However, if you are able to hold an office, there is a place on the registration form where you can make that indication. We can only be strong when we have STRONG Choral Boosters supporting us!
We, the Braden River High School Choral Booster Association, will encourage and accept involvement from all members of our choral families.
We will enhance our student’s musical experience in chorus by bringing faculty, staff, and families together as a unit.
We will hold ourselves to the standards set forth by the Manatee County School District. We will not discriminate against someone’s gender, race, or belief. We will only speak in a positive and encouraging way, as role models for our children.
We will encourage open communication between faculty, staff, and parents. Through our fundraising efforts we will help with the enhancement of the Braden River High School Choral Department.
General Parent Meeting Dates
General Parent Meetings will take place once per quarter.
August 19, 2022 5:30pm
January 24, 2023 5:30pm
2022 - 2023 Executive Board
Sonia Pisani
Vice President
Michael Democko
Alison McLeod
Patrick Durrence
Member at Large
Jennifer Barak
Member at Large
Shaela Lollar